CA Fin Code Section 17310


It shall be the purpose of Fidelity Corporation to indemnify a member within the State of California against loss, subject to the limitations set forth in this chapter.


Fidelity Corporation shall not be liable for any consequential damages sustained by a member, or by any other person, nor for any punitive damages whatsoever.


The indemnification shall be provided by any of the following:


A fund established by Fidelity Corporation pursuant to Section 17320.


A fidelity bond or insurance policy to be approved by the commissioner.


A combination of paragraphs (1) and (2) subject, however, to the maximum coverage specified in subdivision (b) of Section 17314.


Fidelity Corporation shall provide a copy to all of its members and the commissioner of the fidelity bond or insurance policy as it is acquired or renewed, and Fidelity Corporation shall promptly provide a copy to any member or successor in interest, upon request.
Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 17310’s source at ca​.gov